Case Study

Determining Intrinsic Value of Nano to Macro Content Creators in Indonesia

To optimize monetization strategies, a global digital entertainment company leverages Advia AI's Social Media Scenario to determine the intrinsic value of nano and micro content createors aross various platforms, mitigating pricing biases resulting from highly variable rate cards.

The company faces challenges in assessing the value of nano and micro creators due to variable rate cards and hence attempts to mitigate pricing bias.

A global digital entertainment operates three business arms; platform and creator solutions and eight business units where five of them are trying to increase monetization from clients by acquiring nano and micro content creators from multiple platforms, both social networks and streaming networks.

About the company (2024)

  • 12+ billion cumulative views

  • Managing 15+ mega creators

Advia AI’s Social Media Sensor

aids the company in overcoming challenges associated with assessing the value of nano and micro creators to determine creator's intrinsic value.

The company has to obtain intrinsic value of nano and micro creators from different types of social media platforms and its social media asset exhibited highly variable rate card that resulted in gaps with company’s rate norm and prediction for different contract.

The company had attempted to alleviate pricing bias through typical calculations based on negotiations with creators. However, when these creators hit certain metrics (for example, views, product sales, or a contract with a large brand), they drastically increase their rate card, putting the company in the difficult position of charging the contract to the end-client. 

To overcome these difficulties, the worldwide digital entertainment industry opted to use relational data of creator metrics from each social media platform in the ADVIA AI Social Media Sensor to determine a creator's intrinsic value.

Project Objectives

Integrating and unifying performance data from four platforms (i.e. Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube, and Facebook).

Applying Advia AI’s Social Media Sensor to track targeted content creators' performance on each social media platform.

Creating relational performance data to determine intrinsic value of each content creator.

Contract value compartmentalization based on client’s category.

Suggested contract value for each content creator.

Project Highlights

5 weeks from kickoff to feedback completion.

Contract value brackets for nano and micro content creators for five product categories (i.e. FMCG, healthcare, retail, digital literacy, financial).

Predictive analytics for content creators to leverage their persona to more than one product category.

Advia AI’s Approach

Creating creator relational metrics data and using them as ratio thresholds; content post to subscriber, traffic to subscriber, Creator social capital, subscribers' interactions on creator’s channel, and transactions of creator’s digital merchandise.

Building bi-directional metrics that determine performance-based metrics on streaming and social network platforms.



Value Matrix-based Content Creators Performance


Contract value alternatives


potential cost reduction identified for low-performing creators

Solution Architecture

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